image-How to start my own dry cleaning service?

How to start my own dry cleaning service?

Do you want to start a business that makes money from dirty garments? Everybody needs clean clothes. But nobody loves to do the washing and ironing. Lots of people can not care about remarkable apparels at home. So if you want to make money, Think more about starting a dry cleaning service.

A valuable business which many people are looking for is a dry cleaning company. This welcome is for high demands of a dry cleaning service and viable in many locations worldwide.

Our practical guide at Laundry To Go ltd. will help you start up and run your dry cleaners. When planning and executing is right to start a dry cleaning business, it can be an exciting way to own your own business.


 There are 2 general steps to start your own business:

  1. Planning your business A written plan for the type of laundry business you want to create and how you plan on bringing it into being is the crucial step. In this step, you should gain experience. Working in an existing dry cleaning company for a short time will help you determine if the dry cleaning business is right for you or not. You will learn different kinds of equipment by working in a dry cleaning shop. Besides, you will find how to interact better with customers. If it's not possible, you should do some thorough research and read related articles. For example, search online to determine how many dry cleaning businesses exist in your community.
    Don't start a new business in an over-saturated market.  
  2. Opening your business After setting a budget and calculate the profits and losses, you will need to secure funding to get your business off the ground. To this, we recommend you consult with an accountant or financial advisor to determine how much money you will need to secure.

Things to consider to start a dry cleaning service

  • Capital

Since your entire business will depend on your vehicle, To start a dry cleaning service, you need a vehicle during delivery to prevent clothes from becoming soiled or wrinkled. It's vital to ensure that it is well maintained and in good condition at all times. It will also be essential to have a plan for dealing with breakdowns and mechanical problems. You should also consider rent, electricity, water, soaps, detergents, hangers, chemicals, etc.
  • customer service

The essential part of having a business is customer service. Because if you serve your customers well, they are more likely to continue using your services and recommend you to others, and it works as a valuable advertisement. There is some recommendation for that:

- provide your own garment bags for customers, including your company name, phone number, and website address printed on it.

- Before you accept heavily stained garments, you should check with the customer that they're aware that you don't guarantee a 100 percent perfect result.

customer service as a part of dry cleaning
  • Location

Consider if the distance between your clients and the dry cleaners is too far apart, you may be spending a lot of money on petrol for your delivery van. You can solve this problem by organizing your routes around town. For instance, It's a good idea to agree with your clients, a day during the week or weekend that you'll come around to pick up or drop their clothes.
It's essential to have an accessible location to start dry cleaning service.
  • Pricing

How much you should charge your services will depend on how much your customers can afford and your services' value.
High quality and more affordable service is an opportunity to grow faster.
  • necessary permits and licenses

You need to obtain a special permit and license to operate a dry cleaning business, and you'll probably need to renew your license and permit regularly.

  • Rent or purchase equipment

This part of starting a dry cleaning service can be quite expensive because You can't run a dry cleaning business without dry cleaning equipment.

  • Hire staff

    Hire staff who has relevant experiences and knows how to work at a dry cleaning business. If you plan on hiring staff, you may also need to register your business and receive an Employer Identification Number.
hiring staff for dry cleaning shop

Some Special laundry needs 

  • Washer & Dryer
  • Cleaning Chemicals
  • Presses
  • Sorting Bins
  • Hangers, Racks & Garment Coverings
  • Tags

In addition to all the above, a business website allows customers to learn more about your dry cleaning company and the services you offer. You can attract new clients or customers.

If you are eager to know more about dry cleaning service, visit our website to find all the necessary information. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.



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